On sale! 2 - 3 working days within Germany. Abroad 4 - 15 working days. Home Plasmolifting PRP sample tubes (2 pieces) 100001 kr491.27 The use of the specialized high-quality vacuum tubes is one of the key factors in ensuring efficacy and safety of the procedure performed with our technology. The tubes distributed by Plasmolifting company allow to obtain high-purity autologous blood plasma with therapeutic properties, significantly increasing treatment efficacy. We recommend the... Add to cart
-kr2,255.67 available immediately Plasmolifting PRP Tubes Plasmolifting® - 30x PRP tubes + PRP-Course for Free 100101 kr4,781.64 kr7,037.30 Plasmolifting® DR. RENAT AKHMEROV® DPRP tubes Plasmolifting® - 30x DPRP + PRP-Course for Free https://prp-academy.plasmolifting.world/ Plasmolifting DR. RENAT AKHMEROV PRP Tubes: contain an anticoagulant that prevents blood clotting and inhibits platelet aggregation; are classified as class II medical devices, i.e the plasma obtained using... Add to cart