Ultimi articoli in magazzino Home Vacutainer Butterfly 21G х 3/4' x 12" (0,8 x 19 mm x 305 mm) green without holder -... 100307 49,50 € Set di raccolta sangue di sicurezza Vacutainer Butterfly G 21 Verde senza supporto - unità 50 pz. 1 unità - 50 pezzi Consigliato per un trattamento PRP *Informazioni sul calcolo della data di consegna Aggiungi al carrello
2 - 7 giorni lavorativi Home Plasmolifting, PRP and Other Methods of Regenerative Therapy Based on Autologous Blood... 400100 19,90 € After payment you will be sent a code for reading the book on the site: https://prp-academy.plasmolifting.world/courses/bookThis book is an invitation to rethink paradigms for understanding mechanisms underlying the therapeutic effects of autologous blood plasma. As such, it introduces readers to the Plasmolifting method and its applications in various... Aggiungi al carrello