Plasmolifting, PRP and Other Methods of Regenerative Therapy Based on Autologous Blood Plasma. Book by R.R. Akhmerov.
Plasmolifting, PRP and Other Methods...

Plasmolifting, PRP and Other Methods of Regenerative Therapy Based on Autologous Blood Plasma. Book by R.R. Akhmerov.

2 - 3 Werktage innerhalb Deutschland. Ausland 4 - 15 Werktage.
19,90 €

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This book is an invitation to rethink paradigms for understanding mechanisms underlying the therapeutic effects of autologous blood plasma. As such, it introduces readers to the Plasmolifting method and its applications in various branches of medicine. The book offers not only the conceptual framework for implementation of this method and detailed treatment protocols but also a discussion of new forms and methods of autologous blood plasma administration. Moreover, it provides a detailed look at the autohemotherapy, the true predecessor and the prototype of autologous blood plasma therapy, and a comprehensive summary review of different types and preparation techniques of platelet concentrates that exist today. The book includes numerous clinical cases to illustrate the theoretical ideas.

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