PRP Facial - What Is It and How Does It Work to Benefit You? -

Many of the clients have a lot of questions before our experts perform PRP facial on them. This is mostly because they must have heard a lot of negative reviews, myths, and some misleading information about this latest skin-rejuvenation facial. Thus, we thought we'll clear all your doubts by giving you some cold facts about the platelet-rich plasma facials.

It is always better to know everything you can about any treatment before considering it. You need to learn about the benefits, flaws, and costs. Here are a few inside details about the platelet-rich plasma facials, read on.

What is PRP Facial?

This process starts with the experts drawing the whole blood and separating the red cells. What is left is the platelet-rich plasma. This is then used to perform the PRP facial. In simple words, this facial uses your blood plasma and platelets on your face to get the desired results. The natural chemical present in your PRP is then micro needled into your skin. This does not happen in one session and could require much seating depending on your needs.

The plasma starts working as soon as it is in your face. It rejuvenates your face, smoothens and tightened it. All the wrinkled areas of your face are taken care of. This is only possible because the PRP components stimulate the growth of collagen.

Although many opt for just a single facial, a series of regular PRP procedures can show long-lasting results. It is better to have PRP facial more often to see permanent results, which is about every 3-6 months.

Why Is PRP Facial So Popular? - Advantages You Cannot Overlook

These facials enhance your facial skin and make it wrinkle-free and radiant. The recipient of this treatment need not worry about allergies caused by it. This is because the plasma used comes from their body. However, there might be a little pain and discomfort during the procedure.

PRP treatment not only enhances the production of collagen, but also helps to reduce stretch marks, acne scars, wrinkles, fine lines, and other kinds of scars. It offers a better skin tone and texture.

Our medical technicians use Dermapen micro-needling device, to perform the entire process within a shorter period and with minimal pain. Tiny needles are stamped on the skin, to produce collagen naturally. Platelet-rich plasma is used to create an additional amount of elastin and collagen during the process.

What Is PRP Treatment Like?

Although many of our clients know the benefits of PRP facial that makes them look younger, healthier, and beautiful, but are reluctant at first. Thus, specialists take all the time and efforts to briefly explain what to expect, and how will it make you feel. Here is a quick outline of the procedure:

A team of highly trained and experienced experts takes a small sample of your blood and separates platelets and plasma from red cells using a centrifuge. Please be reminded that red blood cells are not used to perform this procedure. This protein-rich plasma helps to stimulate the production of collagen when injected into your facial skin. We use topical numbing cream on your skin to subside the pain. This is done about 20 mins before the treatment.

Micro-needling is one process that itself stimulates the growth of collagen. To boost the production of collagen, this process is used along with a combination of platelet-rich plasma. The very first infusion is performed using Phyto-boost and/or hyaluronic acid to ensure that your skin is sufficiently hydrated and is completely free of pigmentation.

Plasma-derived from your blood is evenly spread on the different areas of your face, which needs to be treated. Then using the micro-needling device on your face, the medical technician will ensure that the protein-rich substance reaches skin deep. As soon as the treatment is over, you might feel light pain and discomfort on your face. You'll also notice minor bruises caused by the micro-needling equipment.

Our medical technicians might also use Botox or fillers to handle deep lines, small wrinkles, volume-deficient skin, and other issues on your face.

What to Expect After PRP Facials?

Nothing good happens overnight, and similarly, you'll not notice quick results soon after the treatment. The results will take time to show up. However, many of the clients do notice a tightening of facial skin, fullness, and glow within a couple of days. You'll love your much healthier look and radiant face.

Most people prefer PRP treatment as it can last for many months. However, to maintain a healthy look, you should get the treatment done a few times a year. For skin damage, scarring, and other problem areas, one needs to take the treatment at least 4 to 6 times at the interval of about two weeks.

Facts And Myths About the PRP Facials

Myth: PRP Treatments are painful
Fact: There might be little pain and minor discomfort for a couple of minutes after and during the procedure.

Myth: PRP facials can be an expensive affair
Fact: Single facial is quite affordable ranging from $1,200 to $1,900. However, multiple treatments, depending upon your needs can be over $2000.

Myth: PRP facials are considered as a type of surgery
Fact: They are not surgery, which is the biggest advantage of PRP treatments.

Myth: It can cause infection
Fact: Since PRP facials use your blood, the chances of infection are zero

Myth: PRP facials are a much improved than face-lift surgery and offer instant results
Fact: PRP facials are not surgery and thus, you spend less money on the treatment. The best part about this procedure is that you get the best results without any invasion and major cuts or stitches. For people who have severely damaged skin, PRP facials are a good choice. Our experts will ensure that you get the desired results in no time.

Last, but not least, make sure that you choose the right PRP facials clinic to get the desired results. Thus make sure that you research and wisely choose the best in the industry.

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