PRP therapy - Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy - is a method based on drawing the patient's blood, from which plasma containing platelet cells is extracted through centrifugation using PRP tubes. The prepared substance is then injected into the patient. This treatment method has shown high effectiveness in eliminating chronic pain syndrome, a neurological condition that develops due to injury or other pathological state.
Thus, the concentrated platelet cell preparation directly targets the site of the pathological process, acting as an autologous agent that locally initiates regeneration mechanisms in a specific area of the body.
Platelet-Rich Autologous Plasma
The preparation consists of concentrated blood plasma with a high platelet content (approximately 1,000,000 cells per microliter (μL)), which is why it is also called Platelet-Rich Plasma, or PRP. The term "autologous" indicates that it is based on the patient's own blood. The patient's blood is subjected to centrifugation using PRP tubes, which allows the necessary components to be isolated.
When the plasma concentrate enters the human body, it stimulates immunomodulation processes and the formation of new vessels in the site of the regenerative process, which nourish tissues or organs, i.e., angiogenesis. Thus, tissues are enriched with oxygen. Autologous plasma has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect.
Platelets contain so-called alpha granules, which include growth factors: insulin-like, transforming, platelet-derived, and others.
The growth factor molecules are released when the plasma preparation interacts with areas of the body requiring treatment, and their biological activity results in the stimulation of regenerative functions:
- The number of cambial, i.e., stem cells in the affected area increases, activating the tissue renewal process;
- Epithelial tissue cells grow.
Compared to similar treatment methods where drugs or inert substances are locally injected directly into the site of the pathological process, PRP therapy has a number of advantages.
Advantages of PRP Therapy
- The patient is their own donor, so the blood preparation does not carry the risk of infection transmission.
- Minimal risk of allergic reaction.
- Minimal risk of developing local infections.
- Pronounced antibacterial action of the preparation.
- No need for daily treatment due to the long-lasting effect.
- The severity of the pain syndrome is significantly reduced in a short time.
- Inflammation in the affected area is noticeably reduced. Tissue regeneration processes are intense and effective.
- The preparation does not affect the patient's digestive tract and liver.
- No side effects.
PRP Therapy is Recommended for the Following Conditions:
- Arthritis, periarthritis.
- Ankylosing spondylitis.
- Pain localized in the lower back (lumbago) and intercostal neuralgia.
- Headaches of various etiologies. Pain syndromes in the cervical region.
- Gonarthrosis and coxarthrosis. The method is most effective in the early stages of the disease. Stage 2-3 arthrosis allows significantly alleviating the patient's condition.
- Ligamentitis and tendinitis.
- Injuries of the musculoskeletal system and rehabilitation after recovery.
- Blood flow disorders in arteries adjacent to the spine.
- Prevention and treatment of spinal diseases and injuries. Rehabilitation of patients after.
- Elbow joint epicondylitis.
- Fasciitis, plantar fasciitis.
- Shoulder tendon entrapment (subacromial syndrome).
PRP Therapy Has Contraindications:
Relative Contraindications:
- Autoimmune diseases.
- Oncological diseases.
- Conditions that provoke blood clotting disorders.
- Body temperature above 38°C.
- Acute viral infections. Herpes virus.
- Pharmacological agents that impair blood clotting.
Absolute Contraindications:
- Lack of written consent from the patient for the procedure.
- Diseases that impair platelet function - thrombocytopathies.
- Grade 3 anemia (severe anemia). Hemoglobin level below 90 g/L.
- Thrombocytopenia - a decrease in the qualitative level of platelets in the patient's blood to less than 100,000 per microliter.
- Patient intolerance to sodium citrate, which acts as a preservative.
- Sepsis.
Pre-PRP Therapy Recommendations for Patients:
- 14 days before the blood draw procedure and for 14 days after, stop taking NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). They suppress platelet growth factors, making the plasma preparation unsuitable for use.
- 14 days before the blood draw, stop taking antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs (warfarin, acetylsalicylic acid, etc.).
- Inform the treating physician of any blood, heart, or vascular diseases.
- Protect the patient from stressful factors.
- Ensure a full rest and sleep the day before the procedure.
- Completely abstain from alcohol, tobacco, and other nicotine-containing substances.
- Diversify the daily diet with plant-based products high in ascorbic acid.
When preparing for blood collection, the patient should remember: the quality of the blood obtained through the procedure directly depends on the patient's condition. Poor physical condition during centrifugation using PRP tubes will result in unclear PRP separation, making the preparation unsuitable for treatment. The responsibility for the outcome of the procedure also lies with the patient.